Tuesday 20 July 2010

Board Discussion of proposals for change in ASCC constitution

There did not seem to be much support from area representatives and Board members for the ideas put forward in my paper as a result of my experiences in the Edinburgh area elections for area representative in April 2010 when it was recently discussed at a national meeting.

For a full account of my proposals see the posting of 15 April 2010 below.

There seemed to be an agreement that the ASCC constitution should be posted on the website but there is no sign of it as of 20 July 2010.

It is hard to understand why the constitution should not be posted on the website and be readily available this way to ASCC members and any interested members of the public.

Similarly information about who is an area representative and how to contact them ought to be readily available on the website to assist member community councils.

I continue to watch and pressure for signs of progress on these matters.

Let me know your views. Email me at norman.bonney@Blueyonder.co.uk and let me know which community council you are a member of, if any.